What Does R&R and R&I Mean On My New Jersey Repair Estimate?

Occasionally, you’ll receive an initial estimate from your insurance company. Sure, the repair process will begin with this initial estimate. However, it is not complete or the final cost of the repair. There will most likely be additional hidden damage that will require a supplement and could possibly total the...

57% of Car Owners say ADAS Prevented A Crash

A recent Consumer Reports study found 57% of its participants linked to 72,000 vehicles states that at least one ADAS system protected them from a car accident.  Almost every car you see on today’s road is equipped with some type of advanced driver safety feature. The Insurance Institute for Highway...

Why Is Collision Repair in Southern New Jersey So Expensive Today?

The number one questions customers will ask us at our shop here in Southern New Jersey is, “why is this accident repair so expensive” after they view this estimate. For those who haven't had their car repaired in a while, the cost may actually shock them. The reality is our...