Auto Body Claims Management
We’ll Help you navigate the claims process
Taking the fear out of managing your insurance claim.
Dealing with the insurance company can be a scary thing. Let us help you get through it. From the moment you file a claim, your insurance company will begin to have you make a series of decisions that might be confusing to you since you do not deal with this every day. To make matters worse, sometimes you will have to deal with the insurance company of the person who hit you. Many people do not realize that we can act on your behalf, and deal with the insurance companies for you.

Your Insurance company does not get to decide who fixes your car- you do!
As soon as you notify your insurance agent that you have been involved in an accident, they will start to recommend shops that are on their “Direct Repair Program”. The problem with that is those Direct Repair Partners (or DRP’s as they are called in the industry) are built to serve the financial interests of the Insurance company and not the customer’s best interests. DRP shops are built to speed up the repairs, and cut costs for the Insurance company. DRP shops are not looking out for your safety. As a result, corners are cut, used parts get installed or worse cheap aftermarket parts get put on your car which can render it unsafe or harm the resale value.
What car owners don’t realize is that according to New Jersey State law, your insurance carrier must negotiate in good faith with your shop of choice to arrive at an agreed price for safe and proper repairs. It is the role of the professional collision repair specialist to be the advocate for you and the safe and proper repairs of your vehicle. Pick a good shop and they will fight for your rights. Autotech Collision Service is not a DRP shop with any Insurance company, and we will be the advocate for you to receive the safe and proper repair of your vehicle.